Thursday, April 25, 2024

Better Man

She just couldn't find someone better. Someone who would not mess up the kitchen when cooking. Someone who would remember to check to ensure that the fridge door is closed.

She just cannot find someone better. Someone who cleans the house without being told. Someone who folds the laundry so she can rest. Someone who is thankful for her.

She just will not find someone better. She is at peace, knowing that there is someone to love them, always.

Ten Billion People

 Everywhere he turns, he bumps into someone. There is a queue for the urinal. The ice-cream stand demands a 10 minute wait. Mint chocolate is usually sold out anyway. Waiting is the new black.

Most people have their mind-shares turned on in the canteen. Ever since filters were banned from social media, mind-shares have taken off. The compulsion to share has already been ingrained in the cerebellum. Lots of images of food, meetings after food, joy of lunching with friends. Who needs television anymore?

His colleague comes up to him, gestures above his head with his eyebrows, and says, "Tough game, huh?". Maybe Liverpool will win next season.

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

More Human than Human

 Last week, after my English oral exams, my parents brought me to a staycation. In the car, I was vibrating with excitement. When we reached there, I immediately noticed there was a tray full of candies. I took some to bring to the room. That night, we went to a beach-side restaurant. I had so much fun there.

The next day, my parents brought me to Universal Studios. The moment we reached there I ran to the HUMAN, a thrilling ride. After that, we went to the Mummy. It was very scary. When we got back to the room, I watched a bit of TV and showered. Before I knew it, it was time to go.

I wish I can go again and have the same amount of fun.

Friday, September 2, 2022


When it was offered to him, he knew it would cause pain and suffering. But he convinced himself that there was benefit to others, that the burden would yield some benefits. That it would at least make him stronger.

After a year, it weighs so heavy around his neck that he can not look up. It is everywhere he turns. He has breathed in the chemicals for far too long. He is just a wraith; in some sense worse than one in bondage, for even a slave, whether he has any hope left or not, is aware of his position in space and time.

But now he is waking up. It is that very glimmer of hope that does it. It is obvious that he does not have to suffer. With a huge effort, he takes it off and tosses it to the ground, with nary a look back.

Staying alive, is not the same as living. Let the fire rise once more.

Monday, June 10, 2019

Last Night On Earth

She watches the workers dismantle the cupboards and wheel them out the door. She starts putting away her family portraits; there will be no place or time for these at the new premises. She shuts down her laptop and packs it away. She sips her coffee once, twice and looks out the window at the carpark where they usually wait for her. The only ones there are a lady and her toddler.

She is ready to leave. Her phone rings. She answers "Hello".

"We are here". No you aren't.

"Ok, I'm coming down now." No she isn't.

As they get into the car she looks up and sees a crane taking the company name down. When she first joined she was single. She hugs her son and remembers the journey so far. What's next?

Sunday, July 30, 2017

All I Want Is You

You make life a thrill that I have not experienced elsewhere. I worry that it might end at any moment though. That the objection of others might lead to an end of days. That makes the thrill so much more intense.

Where will we go from here? I wish we could be the only two people left in the world. I would feel such bliss. I would entertain you tirelessly.

You have opened me up to so many new feelings. The excitement of your company is something I could live on. Although I do things that make you cry, you must know it is not my intention. I aim only to please you.

You are my muse, my eternal high.

Monday, June 26, 2017


He is on the train from Kyoto to Osaka. It is a 'bullet' train. He closes his eyes and sings the song to himself. He knows it looks crazy, but he cannot help it. It seems appropriate. Their songs were as far sighted and wise then as they are passe now.

Periodically another super express whizzes by in the opposite direction, blocking the view of apartments in front of mountains momentarily.

The journey will end soon. The journey will resume soon.