Sunday, September 22, 2024

I Ain't Worried

His first concert! There are 50,000 people there, all excited for his favourite band. The atmosphere is wonderfully joyous. No one can be unhappy in such a situation.

Finally they come on and they do not disappoint. For 90 minutes they play all *their* hits, and then some.

Towards the end the heavens open up. It rains while we count the stars. They head home drenched, but beaming. What glorious fun.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Ordinary World

It is too much to ask for? A simple world. One where we can hear the stars swish and we can smell the sun rise. No, that would be extra ordinary. Alien, even.

But any world is our world. The fun comes from surviving everyday.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Better Man

She just couldn't find someone better. Someone who would not mess up the kitchen when cooking. Someone who would remember to check to ensure that the fridge door is closed.

She just cannot find someone better. Someone who cleans the house without being told. Someone who folds the laundry so she can rest. Someone who is thankful for her.

She just will not find someone better. She is at peace, knowing that there is someone to love them, always.

Ten Billion People

 Everywhere he turns, he bumps into someone. There is a queue for the urinal. The ice-cream stand demands a 10 minute wait. Mint chocolate is usually sold out anyway. Waiting is the new black.

Most people have their mind-shares turned on in the canteen. Ever since filters were banned from social media, mind-shares have taken off. The compulsion to share has already been ingrained in the cerebellum. Lots of images of food, meetings after food, joy of lunching with friends. Who needs television anymore?

His colleague comes up to him, gestures above his head with his eyebrows, and says, "Tough game, huh?". Maybe Liverpool will win next season.